The project ECVET-D-Bau

The project ECVET-D-Bau, actually worked out by BAQ Forschungsinstituts, is a part of the pilot initiative of the Federal Minister of Educations and Research to develop a credit system for vocational education and training, stimulated by the initiative of the European Union to foster lifelong learning in Europe. The pilot initiative aims at introducing such credit system in Germany in a controlled manner and based ob scientific evaluation.

The research project ECVET-D-Bau itself aims at the development of approaches and methods of validation of prior learning. The particular objective is to state the impact of professional experience on professional competence. The research is executed with the example of middle management on construction sites and the continuous education and training course of „Geprüfter Polier“ (examined foreman).

To undertake validation of prior learning so called „action oriented tasks“ („handlungsorientierte Situationsaufgaben“) have been developed – so called learning units – and the impact of the professional experience on the competence of various workers has been tested. Each learning unit consists of a description of the situation on site, a description of possible solutions and a grid of competences shown by successful solutions. The description of the test situation simulate real working processes of a foreman on site as closely as possible. Descriptions are available to cover the whole range of the field. By a model of tasks (so called “tool box”) learning units can be made for various situations without spending much time. Further the test is using real documents (like drawings or technical specifications). By a combination of tasks concerning macro- and micro planning it is possible to test as well the overall comprehension as specific competences. For examiners a special training course to work with action oriented tasks has been developed.

A most important framing condition of the project is the process to work out a new regulation for the continuous education and training course of „Geprüfter Polier“. To prepare this work, BAQ Forschungsinstitut charged by Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (the Federal Institute of Education and Training) from 2003 to 2005 had undertaken the project Weiterbildung in der Bauwirtschaft (continuous education and training in the construction industry), containing an analysis of job profiles and needs on competences as well as working out a new model for education and training of the middle management in the construction industry.

The project ECVET-D-Bau is in a second phase with four work packages:

work package 1: Modification of learning units aiming to improve time-outcome-relation of the procedure and user-friendliness

work package 2: development and test of a training course and learning material for examiners

work package 3: Including the chambers of industry and trade

work package 4: Synchronisation with Europe

Partners of BAQ Forschungsinstitut are Prof. Dr. Johannes Meyser (Technische Universität Berlin), Prof. Dr. Werner Kuhlmeier (Universität Hamburg), two construction training centres, Bau ABC Rostrup (Bad Zwischenahn) and Ausbildungszentrum-Bau in Hamburg as well as representatives of two chambers, Handelskammer Hamburg and Industrie- und Handelskammer Oldenburg.

Project time: 2007-2012. Financed by Federal Minister of Educations and Research.


zur Pilotinitiative

Das Projekt ECVET-D-Bau des BAQ Forschungsinstituts ist Teil der Pilotinitiative des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung zur Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktesystems in der beruflichen Bildung.